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3/5/2010 | Upcoming Webinar: Clutches & Brakes 201 - Basics for Design Engineers

WOOD DALE, IL - If you've ever wondered about the difference between Genuine Wrap Spring or Friction Clutches and Brakes, this webinar is for you!? Designed for engineers of all experience levels, this informational webinar will introduce you to the basics of Clutches and Brakes, explore the different features and technologies available, and examine various clutch and brake applications.?

Register here for the FREE live webinar on March 17, 2010.? Spaces are limited, so sign up now!

Session A?- 10:00 a.m. E.S.T. / 9:00 a.m. C.S.T. / 7:00 a.m. P.S.T.
Session B - 3:00 p.m. E.S.T. / 2:00 p.m. C.S.T. / 12:00 noon P.S.T.

This live online seminar has been designed to give solid, practical information - not a sales pitch.? Register today to learn how to design and build better machines with Clutches and Brakes.

In 1 hour you will learn:

  • Wrap Spring Clutches and Clutch Brakes Basic Principles & Function
  • A description of Wrap Spring Clutches and Brakes and How they Work
  • Deltran genuine Wrap Spring Clutches and Brakes types features
  • Sizing and Selection
  • Electromagnetic Friction Basic Principles & Function
  • A description of Electromagnetic Friction Clutches and Brakes and how they work
  • Deltran Electromagnetic Friction Clutches and Brakes types features
  • Other Deltran Technologies

Thomson, 1500?Mittel Boulevard, Wood Dale, IL 60191-1073; 1-540-633-3549; 1-540-633-0294 (fax);?Thomson@thomsonlinear.com; www.thomsonlinear.com.

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